Think about it. Workers often feel slighted. They see management, making far greater salaries, entitled to more perks, and respond to what they see by harboring negativity. Management is in the delicate position of representing the owners' wishes, yet keeping themselves from being alienated from the workers.

Employee Appreciation programs are a great way to cement close bonds between workers, and between workers and management. ( For an article offering a more in-depth look at Employee Appreciation Programs, click here.)
Chair Massage is uniquely suited to this purpose; everyone participating undergoes the process of having their stress alleviated to some degree, and the shared experience afterwards, of reflecting on the session, discussing how the massage actually helped, all help to make the experience one that will help keep your team together.

And when management gets involved and decides to have a massage, it's usually a much respected act, and the workers notice that the managers do not feel ‘above' the workers. Even at the more staid and conservative companies, the effects are positive, and in no way is participation perceived as being excessively familiar with the workers.
Employee Appreciation Day is the ideal time for the company to show that it really does care about its workers. It's a great way to reward a team for ‘going the extra mile', and completing projects in a manner that is better than expected.
Keeping workers happy, letting them know they're appreciated, and allowing them the chance to have a day to celebrate their own dedication to the company, are all worthy goals that can be attained with a sound Employee Appreciation program.
©Copyright 2013 H Miller
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